Description : Brochure written on the occasion of the centenary of the Nice Observatory. Richly illustrated, this brochure retraces the major stages in the creation and development of the Nice observatory from 1879 to 1981. This document contains in particular : - a description of the role played by its founder Raphaël Bischoffsheim but also by the 2 commissions responsible from 1879 for the choice of instruments (Faye, Loewy, Perrier) and the choice of the location of the observatory (Colonel Perrier, d'Abbadie, Loewy, Colonel Wagner) (p.4) - a description of the geographical site of Mont-Gros (p.6) - a history of the buildings and instruments (p.22) but also of the people who have left their mark on the observatory, in particular the successive directors; - a description of social events such as the inauguration of the observatory during the international geodesic congress of 1887 (p.15) or the "Nuits de l'aviation" : a operation open doors at the obs. from March 22-24, 1912 to support the french air force as the 1914 war approached (p.38); - scientific observations such as those carried out at the Mont Mounier observation station (p.36). |
Table of contents [in french + translated title] : La fondation de l'observatoire de Nice / [The foundation of the Nice observatory] (p.2) - Réalisations [Achievements ] (p.7) - Inauguration (p.15) - Les bâtiments et instruments / [The buildings and instruments] (p.22) - L'avenir de l'observatoire [The future of the observatory] (p.33) - La vie active [Active life] (p.36) - Les visites à l'observatoire [Visits to the observatory] (p.37) - Le déclin [The decline] (p.40) - L'observatoire aujourd'hui [The Observatory today] (p.44) : Une décentralisation réussie [Successful decentralization] (p.44) ; Station d'observation [Observation Station] (p.49) ; Centre de dépouillement [Counting Center] (p.51) ; Institut de recherches théoriques ; Coopération avec d'autres laboratoires [Institute of Theoretical Research ; Cooperation with other laboratories] (p.54) ; Centre de colloques [Conference Center ] (p.54) ; Ouverture vers l'extérieur [Opening outwards ] (p.55) ; Projet d'avenir [Future Project] (p.55) - Bibliographie [Bibliography] (p.56). |
Photographs and drawing (list) : Photos of groups during the international geodesic congress, 1887 (p.15 et 17) : Avila, José (Major d') ; Bassot (Commandant) ; Bettochi ; Brunner ; Cahours ; Cahours (Me) ; Courbis (Capitaine) ; Cornu ; Defforges (Capitaine) ; Defforges (Me); Ferrero (Général) ; Foerster (Prof.) ; Gauthier Villars fils ; Helmert, Mascart ; Hirsch (Mlle) ; Hirsch (prof.) ; Ibanes (Me) ; Ibanes (Mlle) ; Ibanez (général) ; Kalmar, V. ; Kalmar (Me) ; Lallemand (Ingénieur des mines) ; Noé (de la) (Colonel) ; Perrier (Général) ; Perrotin ; Perrotin (fils) ; Perrotin (Me) ; Steffanis (de) ; Stephan ; Tisserand ; Van de Sande Bakhuysen (dir. de l'obs. de Leyde) ; Zachariae (Lieutenant Colonel). |