Volume |
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Table of contents

Vol.1, [Part 1] Text
1899 |
Introduction. - [1], Description of the observatory : The staff list - The "The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope" - The "équatorial" refracting telescope (aperture 15'') - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope - Brunner' s meridian circle - Sight of Macaron mount, by M. Cornu - Gautier's meridian circle - Physics pavilion - New spectroscope , by M. Thollon - Magnetic pavilion - Workshops and machines - [2], Library : Library catalog - [3], Astronomical tables - [4], Appendix : pendulums synchronization ( M.A. Cornu' system) / M.A. Prim -- Mounier mount observatory . |
vol.1, [Part 2]. Atlas
1899 |
Frontispiece of the item . - Table of contents (page 1). - Table of plates (p.2). - pl. I [1] - Observatory ground plane. - pl. II [2] - .Observatory perspective view . - pl. III [3]- The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Main elevation. - pl. IV [4] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Other elevation. - pl. V [5] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Cross section. - pl. VI [6] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Ground floor plan and basement plan. - pl. VII [7] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Technical drawings : mechanisms of the dome, the shutters, the curtains - pl. VIII [8] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Electric winch and electric motor (M. Deprez). - pl. IX [9] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Whole view - pl. X [10] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Pillar of the telescope : plan and elevation . - pl. XI [11] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Polar axis (4 fig.). - pl. XII [12] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Optical system longitudinal section. - pl. XIII [13] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Micrometer. - pl. XIV [14 ]- The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Lighting of the fields, wires, drums, positions and declination rings. - pl. XV [15] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Tangent screw and the return in right ascension (4 fig.). - pl. XVI [16] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Second return movement in right ascension similar to the mechanical watch-movement - pl. XVII [17] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope. Mobile scale (Bischoffsheim' system). - pl. XVIII [18] - The "petit équatorial" refracting telescope. Main elevation and plan . - pl. XIX [19] - The "petit équatorial" refracting telescope. Side elevation. Longitudinal section . - pl. XX [20] - The "petit équatorial" refracting telescope. Whole view. - pl. XXI [21] - The "petit équatorial" refracting telescope. Declination axis. - pl. XXII [22] - The "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope and the "petit équatorial" refracting telescope. Wedging system and the slow movement in declination . - pl. XXIII [23] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). West elevation . Ground floor plan. - pl. XXIV [24] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). Longitudinal section. First floor plan. - pl. XXV [25] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). South elevation. Carriage on rails cross section. North elevation . - pl. XXVI [26] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. loewy). Whole view. - pl. XXVII [27] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). Pivot of the polar axis by a vertical plane containing the axis and a plane perpendicular to the axis (2 fig.). - pl. XXVIII [28] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy), Polar axis pivot technical detail. - pl. XXIX [29] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). Whole view (large scale) (2 fig.). - pl. XXX [30] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). Cube of the central mirror - pl. XXXI [31] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). Tangent screw and track rollers of the inner tube of the lens. - pl. XXXII [32] - The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope (syst. Loewy). Cube of the objectif (4 fig.). - pl. XXXIII [33] - The"grande méridienne" meridian circle. Main elevation. Plan. Mount Macaron wedging system (système Cornu). - pl. XXXIV [34] - The"grande méridienne" meridian circle. Side elevation. Cross section - pl. XXXV [35] - The"grande méridienne" meridian circle. Brunner's instrument viewed from the south. - pl. XXXVI [36] - The"grande méridienne" meridian circle. Brunner's instruments viewed from the east - pl. XXXVII [37] - The"grande méridienne" meridian circle. Turning apparatus (2 fig.). - pl. XXXVIII [38] - The "petite méridienne" meridian circle. Main elevation. Side elevation. Cross section. - pl. XXXIX [39] - Gautier's meridian circle (3 fig.). - pl. XL [40] - Physics pavilion. Main elevation. Side elevation. Cross section. - pl. XLI [41] - Magnetic pavilion. Main elevation. Ground floor plan. - pl. XLII [42] - Magnetic pavilion. West elevation. Basement plan. - pl. XLIII [43] - Magnetic pavilion. Side elevation. Cross section. - pl. XLIV [44] - Outbuildings. Main elevation and plan. - pl. XLV [45] - Machinery. Pump : steam engine and pump (5 horsepower). Electric lighting: steam engine and dynamo (16 horsepower) - pl. XLVI [46] - Mount-Mounier observatory. Whole view. - pl. XLVII [47] - Mount-Mounier observatory. Refracting telescope : instrument and fork mount detail.
Vol.2 |
1887 |
Determination of the longitude difference between Paris and Nice, and between Milan and Nice / MM. Bassot, Perrotin, Celoria.- Provisional latitude observatory / M. Perrotin.- Micrometric measurements of visual double stars / M. Perrotin.- Observations of comets and planets with the Gauthier' s refracting telescope (aperture 15'') / MM. Perrotin, Charlois.- Solar spectroscopy / M. Thollon. - Miscellanea / MM.Thollon, A. Puiseux, Perrotin,Charlois. |
Vol.3, [Part 1]. Texte |
1890 |
New drawing of the solar spectrum / M. Thollon. – Theory of Vesta / M. Perrotin. – Meridian observations. – Observations of comets and planets with the Gauthier' s refracting telescope (aperture 15'') / M. Charlois. – Minor planets discovered at the observatory and orbit determination/ M. Charlois. |
Vol.3, [Part 2] Atlas. |
1890 |
Solar spectrum by M. Thollon (17 plates : 33 spectra)
(source : external resource : ADS)
Vol.4 |
1895 |
1. Theory of Vesta / M. Perrotin (includes : application of the interpolation methods to the first order inequalities determination of the Vesta elements produced by Jupiter) - 2. Nebulae discovered with the "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope / M. Javelle - 3. Meridian observations / MM. Fabry, Jabely, Simonin, Colomas, M. Giacobini - 4. Observations of comets and planets with the Gauthier' s refracting telescope (aperture 15'') / M. Charlois - 5. Minor planets discovered at the observatory and orbit determination/ M. Charlois. |
Vol.5 |
1895 |
Part. 1. Meteorology 1884-1891 - Part. 2. Magnetical observations made at the Nice (1885-1891). (read more in the vol. 7 (1892-1895) and in the vol. 10 (1896-1900)
Vol.6 |
1897 |
108 Hecuba orbit / M. Simonin - Nebulae discovered with the "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope (second catalog) / M. Javelle - Meridian observations / MM. Jabely, Simonin, Colomas and M. Giacobini - Observations of passages with the Gautier' s meridian circle / M. Simonin. |
Vol. 7 |
1900 |
Part. 1. Meteorology (1892-1895). Part 2. Magnetical observations (1892-1895). Plates : magnetical distrubances recorded at Nice Observatory from 1 january 1892 to 31 december 1895 (Mascart recorder) - This vol. follows the vol. 5 1884-1891). Read more in the vol. 10 (1896-1900) |
Vol. 8 |
1904 |
J.A. Perrotin, Nice observatory director from 1881 to 1904 - Donation by M. Bischoffsheim to University of Paris - Determination of the longitude difference between Nice, l'île Rousse and Ajaccio - Meridian observation with Brunner's meridian circle - Meridian observations of Eros and reference stars with Brunner's meridian circle - Observations of comets and planets with The "équatorial Coudé" refracting telescope - Minor planets discovered at the observatory and orbit determination - Occultations of stars by the moon with the refracting telescope (aperture 15'') . |
Vol.9 |
1905 |
Essay about the hertzian waves in the physical astronomy and related questions / M. Charles Nordmann - Meridian observations with Brunner's meridian circle/ MM. Jabely, Simonin, Colomas. |
Vol.10 |
1905 |
Part 1. Meteorology (1896-1900). – Part. 2. Magnetical observations made at the Nice (1896-1900). This volume follows the volume 5 (1884-1891) and the volume 7 (1892-1895)
Vol.11 |
1908 |
Notes about R. Bischoffsheim / M. Liard (p. v). – The observatory's management committee composition (p. IX). – Errata (p. X). – Determination of the speed of light according to the observations made between the Nice observatory and 1° The Gaude and , 2° The Mount Vinaigre / MM. Perrotin, Prim (p. A1 et s.) – Meridian observations with Brunner's meridian circle: 1. In 1891 / MM. Jabely, Simonin, Colomas, Giacobini, Prim ; 2. In 1892 / MM. Jabely, Simonin, Colomas, Giacobini (p. B1 et s.). – Meridian and equatorial observations of Eros / MM. Perrotin, Javelle, Charlois, Prim, Simonin (p. C1 et s.). – Nebulae discovered with the "grand équatorial" great refracting telescope (third catalog) / M. Javelle (p. D1 et s.). – Table of contents (p. E1 et s.) . – Plate : Raphaël Bischoffsheim' s portrait (Frontispiece).
Vol. 12 |
1910 |
Meridian observations with Brunner's meridian circle - Stellar positions with Brunner's meridian circle in the years : 1887, 1888,1889, 1890, 1895, 1896, 1897 et 1898 - Observations od comets and planets
Vol.13 part. 1
1908 |
« This volume devoded to the meteorology follows the volumes 5,7 and 10 of the annals of the observatory. This first fascicule contains the observations made in the seven years from 1901 to 1907» … « The observations had been made in 1901 by M. Auvergnon, and then by M. Fantapié specifically responsible for the meteorological service. The study of terrestrial magnetism, which appeared in the previous volumes, had to be abandoned following, in the vicinity of the observatory, the creation of tramlines, driven up by high-voltage back-up wireless currents. (foreword). (The fascicule 2 was never published)
Vol.14 |
1911 |
Meridian observations with Brunner's meridian circle in 1899 - Stellar positions for 1900.0 of the stars catalog of Nice- Fundamentals stars - Catalog of Nice observatory