The ISSP team
Asteroseismology is the study of the waves going through stars, allowing to decipher the interiors of stars. The wave frequencies indeed depends on the internal structure of stars therefore bringing to the surface informations on their interiors. This technique can also be used to determine the global characteristics of the stars like their mass and radius. In this project, I am responsible of the task S02 (main-sequence stars) and S03 (subgiant and red giant stars) which concerns low-mass asteroseismic target analysis. The objective is to offer a comparison between the interferometric data, able to obtain stellar angular diameters thus stellar radius with an estimation of the parallaxe, and asteroseismic data. The objective is to strengthen the radius determination we can obtain by asteroseismology and other photometric techniques and to assess the potential of interferometry in the improvement of stellar modelisation, therefore on the extraction of the stellar parameters.
Arnaud Caci
Nayeem EBRAHIMKUTTY. Engineer: machine learning on stellar atmosphere models and interferometric modeling 10/2022 - 06/2023. PhD 07/2023-07/2026
Romina IBAÑEZ-BUSTOS. Postdoc (SBC relations) from 11/2022 to 10/2025
Juraj JONAK: PhD student, 12-2022-11-2025
Denis MOURARD: PI of the ISSP project
David SALABERT: Engineer, Survey management-DRS-QCS, 09/2021-08/2024
Mathieu VRARD: Postdoc, Asterosismology & Interferometry, 01/04/2023-31/03/2026
Asteroseismology is the study of the waves going through stars, allowing to decipher the interiors of stars. The wave frequencies indeed depends on the internal structure of stars therefore bringing to the surface informations on their interiors. This technique can also be used to determine the global characteristics of the stars like their mass and radius. In this project, I am responsible of the task S02 (main-sequence stars) and S03 (subgiant and red giant stars) which concerns low-mass asteroseismic target analysis. The objective is to offer a comparison between the interferometric data, able to obtain stellar angular diameters thus stellar radius with an estimation of the parallaxe, and asteroseismic data. The objective is to strengthen the radius determination we can obtain by asteroseismology and other photometric techniques and to assess the potential of interferometry in the improvement of stellar modelisation, therefore on the extraction of the stellar parameters.
The ISSP survey is managed with co-investigators considered as associate experts: Orlagh CREEVEY, Sebastien DEHEUVELS, Nicolas NARDETTO, Armando DOMICIANO, Markus WITTKOWSKI, and Karine PERRAUT
Direct collaborators
The CHARA group at Mount Wilson and Atlanta: Doug, Gail, Theo, Narsi, Nils, Chris, Nic, Rob, Karolina, Craig, Victor, Norm, Olli, Becky.
The SPICA group at OCA: Philippe, Julien, Christophe, Daniel, Fred, Alain, Isabelle and past members (Sylvain, Fatmé, Stéphane)
The JMMC group at OSUG, with a special tag for Guillaume and Laurent
Past members
Pierre GENESLAY: Engineer, automation and commissioning of SPICA, Adaptive Optics CHARA, 09/2021-08/2023
Estelle JACQMART: mechanical engineer, 11/2021-02/2022
Roxanne LIGI. postdoc (exoplanet host stars) from 12/2022 to 11/2025
Cyril PANNETIER: postdoc (SPICA Fringe Tracker) from 1/2/2023 to 31/10/2023