METEOR abroad
The sixth METEOR (second year, semester S3) takes place abroad, within a partner university or industry.
Travelling and lodging expenses are subsidized by MAUCA, thanks to the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA).

Available in 2024/2025

Accreting highly magnetized Neutron Stars
- Stellar physics
- Syllabus
- University of Athens
- Athens, Greece

Applications of Celestial Mechanics in Planetology and Astrodynamics
- Planets Industry
- Syllabus
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Thessaloniki, Greece

Orbital parameters of binary stars
- Stellar physics
- Syllabus
- Université Libre de Brussels
- Brussels, Belgium

Modeling interferometric observations of protoplanetary disks
- Stellar physics
- Syllabus
- Max Planck Institute
- Heidelberg, Germany

Modelling of space- and ground-based observations of meteors and exotic matter
- Planets Signal
- Syllabus
- University of Torino
- Torino, Italy

Searching for cool subdwarf binaries using VO tools
- Stellar physics
- Syllabus
- Centro de Astrobiologia
- Madrid, Spain

How does water influence planetesimal formation?
- Planets
- Syllabus
- University College Cork
- Cork, Irland

Modeling of blazars associated with neutrinos
- Stellar physics
- Syllabus
- University of Athens
- Athens, Greece