The National Observation Services (SNO) are part of the missions of the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur. The SNO are labelled by the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU). They respond to the need to document the formation, evolution and variability of astronomical systems and terrestrial environments over the long term, and to advance knowledge in these fields. These SNOs are intended to provide a service to the scientific community. The INSU website provides a detailed description.

The Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur is responsible for 10 National Observation Services (SNO), and is also a partner in 20 other SNOs. In total, the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur's involvement in the SNOs represents about 51 full-time equivalents (FTEs), for 33 CNAP agents present at the Observatory (thus about 11 CNAP FTEs).

The OCA has identified SNOs of strategic importance (of which it is not necessary the coordinator) for which it is particularly seeking applications (see table below).

CAUTION: this list is not exclusive. Other SNOs in which OCA is a partner or coordinator (see below) also have significant recruitment needs.

Astronomy-Astrophysics Section



Major surveys and ground segments of space missions (ANO4/ANO2)
Euclid (ANO4), Gaia (ANO4), WEAVE (ANO4), LISA (ANO2), PLATO (ANO2)
Instrumental developments and digital instrumentation (ANO2) and instrument operations support (ANO3)



VLTI user services : SUV (ANO3)



  Space and time metrology (ANO1)
 Laser telemetry (ANO1)  
 Multi-messenger astrophysics (ANO2/ANO3)
 Virgo (ANO3), SVOM (ANO2)  

Internal Earth Section



Land and marine seismology
RESIF-RENASS, RLBP Marine seismology
RESIF-RENAG Marine geodesy
  Ground movements

There are also SNOs where the OCA, although less involved in terms of FTEs, has a strong added value through the production and dissemination of data and models (SPHERE Data Center, MOIO-AMHRA, L3S/MAGYC, Gravimetry, MP3C, CHARA). This is also the case within the framework of SNO 3Soleils, in particular with the METEOSPACE station being installed on the Calern plateau and the European anchoring in the Space Safety programme of the European Space Agency.

In the field of Astronomy-Astrophysics

Major surveys, ground segments and ground support for space missions.

The OCA is one of the largest contributors to the analysis and processing of SNO Gaia data. Our second major contribution in this theme is for SNO Euclid-Survey with a recognized contribution on detection algorithms, realization and validation of galaxy catalogues. The OCA is a leader in galactic survey with the porting of SNO WEAVE. The OCA is also involved in the ground segments and scientific support of the LISA and PLATO missions.

Instrumental development and digital instrumentation.

The OCA's national contribution is characterised by two aspects. The first component includes a very strong national and international involvement in the instrumental development of optical interferometry (Gravity+, SPHERE+) as well as in the opening to the community by supporting the exploitation of interferometric instruments with the SNO SUV (ANO3). The second component concerns digital instrumentation and is carried by SNO SKATE with a strong involvement in hardware co-design and a desired positioning on the future SKAO data centre.

Multi-messenger astrophysics.

This primarily concerns SNO Virgo on gravitational waves, for the production of calibrated data from the Virgo instrument, the exploitation of LIGO and Virgo data, their dissemination and valorisation and the multi-wavelength monitoring of gravitational wave alerts. The participation in the SNO SVOM for gamma-ray bursts and the development of LISA are naturally associated with this.

Space and time metrology.

In particular through SNO Laser Telemetry. The OCA has a reference position in terms of firing on artificial satellites and on the Moon, and offers perspectives in interplanetary firing and time transfer. The OCA is in charge of the construction of the INPOP planetary and lunar ephemeris, considered as world references. A contribution to SNO clocks completes the activity of the establishment.

In the Sollid Earth field

In terrestrial and marine seismology.

Seismology is at the heart of the OCA's activity in the Internal Earth SNOs (ANO2) with the management of permanent stations, the co-management of node A of RESIF-RLBP within the framework of the RESIF-EPOS National Research Infrastructure (evolving into EPOS-France), the monitoring of seismicity and the calculation of focal mechanisms in France (SNO BCSF-ReNaSS). Underwater seismology is also an important contribution to the OCA in terms of observations.

In geodesy.

The OCA plays a very important role in ANO3 by being responsible for the EPOS-GNSS portal also in EPOS-France, for the data and management of the central node and the monitoring of the nodes, and by being responsible for the SNO RESIF-RENAG data centre. The marine domain is also the subject of developments and observations in which the OCA is involved.

On natural gravitational hazards.

The OCA is involved in the SNO OMIV (ANO5), particularly in the monitoring of several landslides, by monitoring hydrological conditions and landslide kinematics, and in instrumentation, in particular by developing and deploying low-cost sensors.