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The Nice observatory library : a building designed by Charles Granier in 1881(1), finished in 1882 (2) 


The choice of the location


"Observatoire de Nice, vue générale" in Monographie de l'observatoire de Nice / Charles Garnier. - Paris : André Daly fils, 1892, pl. 2


"Maison d'habitation. Façade principale" in Monographie de l'observatoire de Nice / Charles Garnier, Paris : André Daly fils, 1892, pl. 17



"Façade principale de la bibliothèque et terrasse" / phot. attribuée à A. Michaud, 4e quart du 19e siècle - crédit phot. Marc Heller@ collection C. Corgnet - Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur.

The choice of the location for the construction of the administration and library building is not the result of chance   : " Il s'agissait de placer le bâtiment... à peu près à égale distance de tous les locaux d'observation et édifiés bien au-dessous du niveau de ceux-ci, afin que la fumée provenant des appareils de chauffage ne troublât aucunement l'air dans le champ des instruments" (3).
[The option was to place the building... approximately at an equal distance from all the observation rooms and built well below the level of these, so that the smoke coming from the heating apparatus would in no way disturb the air in the field of instruments]

An imposing stone retaining wall supports the building. The large terrace on which the library is located was one of the first works built to allow the creation of a flat ground where to establish the construction site (4).

The classical style building is divided into 3 distinct parts. It housed on its north and south wings dwellings intended for the accommodation of the director and the astronomers and in the center the library. These wings are connected to the libraries by porticoes with 3 arches surmounted by terraces.


Now, the entire building bears the name of "Pavillon Henri Chrétien" (PHC). 

The building's facade 





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The library's facade is decorated in its upper part with a blue and gold mosaic bearing the name and biographical date of three famous astronomers : LAPLACE 1749-1827 - ARAGO 1786-1853 - LEVERRIER 1811-1877.
In the center, a marble plaque bears the words : "l'observatoire a été fondé en 1881 par Raphaël Bischoffsheim et donné à l'Université de Paris en 1899". [the observatory was founded in 1881 by Raphaël Bischoffsheim and donated to the University of Paris in 1899]
 The facade is also decorated with 2 sculptures representing the moon and the sun (see photos above). These sculptures are each surrounded by a golden mosaic.

"Les élévations de la bibliothèque se terminent par un bandeau décoré d'étoiles et surmonté d'un étage d'attique (5) portant des globes en décor. " (6)  [The elevations of the library end with a band decorated with stars and surmounted by an attic floor (5) bearing globes in decoration (6)]
The library's building has been listed in the french additional inventory of historical monuments since July 6, 1992.


 The interior of the library : originally a single space on one level



"Bibliothèque" in Monographie de l'observatoire de Nice / Charles Garnier, Paris : André Daly fils, 1892, pl. 19


"La Bibliothèque"  / Jean Giletta , 1 quart 20e siècle - crédit photo :  Marc Heller@observatoire de la Côte d'Azur


"Maison d'habitation" in Monographie de l'observatoire de Nice / Charles Garnier, Paris : André Daly fils, 1892, pl. 18
Originally, the library's interior space was structured as a large central double-height hall divided by a gallery. The architect would have been inspired by the solution adopted by Henri Labrouste (4) at the Sainte Geneviève library in Paris (7). There is also a similar division in the library of the Paris Opera (8) .
   The shelves are placed against the walls and large tables are installed to allow the consultation of documents.
In the center, one could see, on both sides, the portraits of the founder of the observatory, Raphaël Bischoffsheim (on the right) and of the first director, Henri Perrotin (on the left).

 A passageway at the level of the bay windows goes around the room. It provides access to the spaces adjoining the library which serve as places of archiving. The current meeting room served as a billiard room.


 A big transformation in 1963 : the interior space is divided into 3 levels 

"La bibliothéque de l'Observatoire de Nice, créée à la fin du siècle dernier est une bibliothèque du type "1900" peu adaptée aux besoins modernes. ... MM. Blanchet, architecte en chef du gouvernement et Livieri, architecte, ont établi un [nouveau] projet... qui doit faire de cette bibliothèque l'une des plus belles de France ..."(9) 

[The Nice observatory library , created at the end of the last century,  is a library of the "1900s"  not adapted to modern needs. ... MM. Blanchet, chief government architect, and Livieri, architect, have drawn up a [new] project... which should make this library one of the most beautiful in France...(9)]. Due to the awarding of a important investment credit in 1963, it will undergo a major transformation at this time.

BIBHISTOIRE SALLE DE LECTURE   BIBHISTOIRE SOUS SOLS   BIBHISTOIRE Presse a relier Photo Catherine Lhostis 20181128   BIBHISTOIRE monte charge
 The library is divided into 3 levels by the installation of 2 additional floors. The upper level is converted into a reading room.   Below the reading room 2 floors of shelving are intended for archiving documents.

This configuration still exists today (see 2 photos above taken in 2021). 

In the adjoining rooms we find on this date :
- a map and atlas room,
- a photocopy and binding room,
- a librarian's office.

Today, the binding room is gone. The binding press has been preserved (see the photo taken in 1998). The map and atlas room has become a meeting room.

  A book lift  has judiciously completed the installation. It is still in operation after its modernization in 2022. 


  A latest extension in the 1980s : the building of a mezzanine

 Under the chairmanship of Mr Raymond Michard, director of the Nice observatory from 1981 to 1989, a final transformation took place.
     A mezzanine of 43 square meters is installed in the extension of level 1. The objective is once again to increase the archiving areas for the books and the journals. It will be finished at the end of spring 1989 (10)


2022-2024 : the begining of the restoration of the "Pavillon Henri Chrétien" (PHC) and the renovation of the library reading room


Today, the extension of electronic resources as well as the reduction of storage needs, make it possible to modernize the library once again. 

BIBHISTOIRE travaux2   BIBHISTOIRE salle lecture2022reduite   BIBHISTOIRE TERRASSEreduite
The year 2022 was the begining of a major restoration project for the PHC building. The roof as well as the passageways are  renovated.

A second phase of the restoration includes the renovation of the library's reading room. The works are planned from the 2nd quarter of 2023 (minimum duration of 8 months). The objective is to find the most significant original decorative elements. In particular, the restoration of the painted ceiling and the replacement of the windows according to the original model are planned.

  From the terrace or inside the library, today as yesterday, everyone can benefit from an exceptional panoramic view of the Baie des Anges.


(1) Leguet-Tully, Françoise . Chronologie de l'observatoire de Nice 1860-1962 : des prémisses de sa création à son renouveau  in Bulletin de l'ADION, n.27, 1992-1993, p.31
(2) Jean Lucien Bonillo. Les Riviera  de Charles Garnier et Gustave Eiffel . - Marseille : Editions Imbernon, 2004, p. 57
(3) Charles Garnier. Monographie de l'observatoire de Nice  - Paris, Librairie général de l'architecture et des travaux publics André Daly fils & cie, 1892, p. 4
(4) Folli, Andrea  , Merello Gisella. Charles Garnier et la Riviera. - Genova : Erga edizioni, 2000, p.147-152
(5) Attic (french definition)  :  "Construction élevée au-dessus de la corniche d'un entablement pour masquer la naissance du toit" - Source : Dictionnaire Larousse -  Viewed online on april 07 2022  :
(6) Davoigneau Jean, Leguet Tully Françoise. Observatoire de Nice, puis Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur. Notice IA06000862 added to the Architectural Heritage Database (Mérimée) in 2001, revised in 2011 - © Inventaire général, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - Viewed online on april 07 2022 on POP [Plateforme Ouverte du Patrimoine] , a database from the French Ministry of Culture :
7) see the library model in Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève, 1838-1850, Paris , Henri Labrouste - Source : Cité de l'architecture, 2017 - Viewed online on april 07 2022  :
(8) See the photograph and the lithograph representing the Library-museum of the Opéra Garnier -  Source :  Zigzag Paris - Viewed online on april 07 2022  :
(9) Association pour le développement international de l'observatoire de Nice (ADION). Remise en état de la bibliothèque in Bulletin d'information - Association pour le développement international de l'observatoire de Nice, n.1,1964, p. 67-69
(10) Frédéric Thévenin : [Compte-rendu ] Commission harmonisation des bibliothèques : 9 février 1990 - [s.l. : s.n.] , 1990, p.1



