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About 60 years ago, the conquest of space began with Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth. Launched during the International Year of Geophysics, this satellite was the driving force behind generations of researchers and engineers who developed the aeronautical and space technologies that we now use in our everyday lives (telecommunications, computing, materials, etc.).

Today, a new challenge is underway: the miniaturisation of satellites. Nanosatellites, for example, are ultra-miniaturised versions of the ‘’large‘’ satellites, forming a new category of platforms suitable for developing space technologies, conducting scientific experiments and training students.

New markets are emerging thanks to the extreme flexibility offered by this type of platform: a high level of standardisation, accelerated development, relatively low cost, and the ability to test new space technologies at ‘low cost’. They are also fantastic learning platforms for students, giving them access to the best project management methods and the specificities of space technologies.

In this context, the Université Côte d'Azur has set up a training programme to design, build and launch such nanosatellites. Drawing on the Côte d'Azur's network of cutting-edge aeronautics and space technology companies, as well as the Université Côte d'Azur's cutting-edge research laboratories, the best Master's level students will be able to take part in the construction of a nanosatellite in ‘cubesat’ format, destined to be put into orbit within 5 years.